Welcome to our brand new page "baking makes you happy"

We are Salzburg's first live baking class in English. "Backen macht GLÜCKlich" means "baking makes you happy".  For over 10 years Carmen Glück has been teaching baking courses in Salzburg and people love it so much that we thought we should expand these amazing classes and teach them in English too. 

Our goal is to show you an easy way to bake your own traditional Austrian baked goods. 

We will offer baking classes throughout the year and will provide you with delicious recipes in English here on this page to make baking at home easier.

Birgit Harris


Birgit Harris

Well hello everybody!!


My name is Birgit Harris, but everybody calls me Bee.

I was born and raised here in Salzburg.  I spent 10 years in America where I met my husband and we decided to move back with our 2 children to my beautiful hometown. In 2019 and 2020 I took every single baking class with Carmen, and I fell in love with baking my own bread.  I loved it so much that in 2021 I even started working for her. My responsibilities include everything from baking for schools and hotels, groceries and more... 


After all this time and goof balling around I thought… I should start teaching my own classes but in English! ... I can do it and here we gooooooo :-)


LET´S HAVE SOME FUN AND GOOD TIMES while baking some easy peasy GOODIES!


Cheers, Bee


Buttonrolls (Knopfsemmerl)



Buttonrolls (Knopfsemmerl)


1 tbsp salt

1 kg flour (700 or spelt/Dinkel)

1 cube yeast (42 g)

60 g butter

½ tsp sugar

375 ml water

250 ml milk


Start by putting all the liquids in a bowl (luke warm) followed by the yeast, sugar, butter, flour and salt at the end.

Knead for about 8 minutes.

Let it rest for about 30 minutes. Dough should rise about double its size.

Weigh out 75 g pieces of dough each. You should get about 22 rolls. 

Form your rolls.

Pre heat your oven on „Heißluft“ (convection oven)  200° Celsius.

Spray the rolls with water. You can leave them plain or springkle with sesame, poopyseeds, oats…

Bake your rolls for about 20 minutes.

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